Vođena vizualizacija | Smanjite stres i anksioznost 🌊

Vođena vizualizacija | Smanjite stres i anksioznost 🌊 osmišljena je da vas provede kroz umirujuću i uranjajuću sesiju koja koristi duboko disanje, živopisne slike i progresivnu relaksaciju mišića kako bi smanjila stres i anksioznost, uz uključivanje obnavljajućih pauza.

Vođena vizualizacija | Smanjite stres i anksioznost 🌊Vođena vizualizacija | Smanjite stres i anksioznost 🌊 osmišljena je da vas provede kroz umirujuću i uranjajuću sesiju koja koristi duboko disanje, živopisne slike i progresivnu relaksaciju mišića kako bi smanjila stres i anksioznost, uz uključivanje obnavljajućih pauza.Tehnike Opuštanja
In Progress

Experience Deep Relaxation with Guided Visualization

The 'Guided Visualization | Reduce Stress & Anxiety 🌊' template is crafted to immerse you in a calming journey that combines deep breathing, serene imagery, and muscle relaxation techniques. This template structures your session into clearly timed tasks with thoughtful breaks to optimize your relaxation experience.

Immersive Relaxation Techniques

Each task guides you step-by-step—from settling into a comfortable space with deep breaths to visualizing peaceful landscapes. The subtasks offer concise instructions to help you focus and achieve a state of calm.

Structured for Optimal Calm

The session is divided into distinct phases that build upon each other, with scheduled breaks to enhance your experience and prevent mental fatigue. This structured approach ensures you derive maximum benefit from your relaxation practice.

Personalized and Adaptive

Tailor your session by adjusting task durations and refining subtasks to suit your personal needs. This template is your guide to reducing stress and anxiety, paving the way for a more peaceful and balanced state of mind.

Isporučite više s pomodoro timerima

FocusBox je moćno sredstvo produktivnosti koje vam pomaže da preuzmete kontrolu nad svojim vremenom koristeći zadatke, Pomodoro Timerse, ambijentalne zvukove i uvide kako biste radili pametnije, a ne teže.
